Choosing the appropriate form of business is an important consideration for business owners – whether during the formation of a new business or the expansion of an existing business. The various business forms each offer differing advantages and disadvantages. These often include protection of the owner’s personal assets, tax treatment, ease of transfer, and limitation of liability.
The attorneys of LeVangie, Long, Loorz regularly counsel clients as to the most advantages form of business for their needs. We work with many sole proprietors seeking asset protection often provided by other business forms. We also work with owners of businesses whose needs are changing and whose form of business no longer serves their best interests. Beyond the selection and formation of business structures, our clients also turn to us for legal advice on day-to-day matters affecting their business.
Is your present form of business the right one for you? If you are not sure, or you want to explore the advantages of other business structures, LLG can help. We will analyze your business and personal needs, and advise you on the business structure that may offer the best fit for your situation, now, and for the future. We pride ourselves in the many long term partnerships we maintain with business throughout California and Nevada. Contact us, so that we can help you on the way to your future success.